Goddess, our gift to you! Download an Instant Copy of Your Quantum Human Design Chart!

Quantum Human Design™

(30 Minutes)

A glimpse into your chart, what it means for you, and how to use it.  

  • Learn how to get the answers from yourself. 

  • It is a blueprint that shows the relationship between our physical body and our unique energetic configurations. 

  • Human Design shows us that we are designed to experience vitality and health. 

  • We are also designed to be abundant, and joyful, have meaning and direction in our lives that are fulfilling and valuable, to be empowered, self-loving, and compassionate. 

  • When we live in alignment with our authentic selves and the unique configuration of our energy blueprint, we minimize our experience of stress and resistance, causing us to be healthier, more vital, and even live longer. 

  • If your life is out of alignment with who you truly are, it creates stress and resistance. Anytime you say "yes" to something you want to say "no" to, "no" to something you want to say "yes" to, or you make choices that take you away from what is good and right for the REAL you, you damage your immune system and increase your chances of experiencing more pain. 

  • We are deeply conditioned to follow formulas for creating success, money, relationships, and even health, but no formula works for everyone. You have your unique way of living in the world. When you know how to tap into your inner wisdom.

Quantum Human Design™

(60 Minutes)

A glimpse into your chart, what it means for you, and how to use it.  

  • A deeper look into your chart and its meanings. 

  • It is a blueprint that shows the relationship between our physical body and our unique energetic configurations. 

  • Human Design shows us that we are designed to experience vitality and health. 

  • We are also designed to be abundant, and joyful, have meaning and direction in our lives that are fulfilling and valuable, to be empowered, self-loving, and compassionate. 

  • When we live in alignment with our authentic selves and the unique configuration of our energy blueprint, we minimize our experience of stress and resistance, causing us to be healthier, more vital, and even live longer. 

  • If your life is out of alignment with who you truly are, it creates stress and resistance. Anytime you say "yes" to something you want to say "no" to, "no" to something you want to say "yes" to, or you make choices that take you away from what is good and right for the REAL you, you damage your immune system and increase your chances of experiencing more pain.

  • We are deeply conditioned to follow formulas for creating success, money, relationships, and even health, but no formula works for everyone. You have your unique way of living in the world. When you know how to tap into your inner wisdom.

Quantum Alignment System™

(15/ Minutes)

(Emergency / Experience Session)

Rapid Alignment Session

Our 15-minute Rapid Alignment Session is designed for current clients needing immediate support to move through a trigger and regain alignment quickly. This brief but impactful session is perfect for those moments when you feel stuck and need a quick reset to continue on your path. We focus on identifying the immediate issue, applying EFT tapping techniques to release emotional blocks, and providing you with practical tools to maintain your alignment.

For newcomers to Quantum Alignment System™ EFT tapping, this session offers a taste of the profound benefits this technique can bring. Experience the transformative power of EFT tapping, understand its process, and see firsthand how it can help you release emotional stress and realign with your goals.

Specialized Healing, with EFT Tapping Sessions We use your Quantum Human Design™ birth chart and combine it with the Quantum Alignment System™, EFT tapping to create a healing space for you to tune into the feelings, emotions, triggers, traumas, and mess that is holding you back from your goals, dreams, and aspirations, and tap it out. 

Quantum Alignment System™

(30 Minutes)

Quantum Alignment System™

(60 Minutes)

A glimpse into your chart, what it means for you, and how to use it.  

  • A deeper look into your chart and its meanings. 

  • It is a blueprint that shows the relationship between our physical body and our unique energetic configurations. 

  • Human Design shows us that we are designed to experience vitality and health. 

  • We are also designed to be abundant, and joyful, have meaning and direction in our lives that are fulfilling and valuable, to be empowered, self-loving, and compassionate. 

  • When we live in alignment with our authentic selves and the unique configuration of our energy blueprint, we minimize our experience of stress and resistance, causing us to be healthier, more vital, and even live longer. 

  • If your life is out of alignment with who you truly are, it creates stress and resistance. Anytime you say "yes" to something you want to say "no" to, "no" to something you want to say "yes" to, or you make choices that take you away from what is good and right for the REAL you, you damage your immune system and increase your chances of experiencing more pain.

  • We are deeply conditioned to follow formulas for creating success, money, relationships, and even health, but no formula works for everyone. You have your unique way of living in the world. When you know how to tap into your inner wisdom.

Quantum Human Design™

Life Purpose 

(60 Minutes)

Specialized Healing, with EFT Tapping Sessions We use your Quantum Human Design™ birth chart and combine it with the Quantum Alignment™.

Discover Your Life Purpose with Quantum Human Design™

Unlock your potential with a Quantum Human Design™ Life Purpose Reading. This session offers a deep dive into your unique energetic blueprint, providing insights into your core strengths, challenges, and life mission. You'll receive a detailed Quantum Human Design™ chart that reveals your unique energetic configuration and life purpose, helping you gain a clear understanding of your true self and the role you are meant to play in the world. This reading also aids in identifying and healing the wounds and limiting beliefs that hold you back, aligning your actions with your true purpose. You'll uncover your divine purpose, learn to align your daily actions with your true purpose for a balanced life, and develop self-awareness, self-compassion, and trust in your instincts to make decisions that reflect your authentic self. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, unveil your true potential, and step into a life filled with passion, purpose, and fulfillment.™, EFT tapping to create a healing space for you to tune into the feelings, emotions, triggers, traumas, and mess that is holding you back from your goals, dreams, and aspirations, and tap it out. 

3 Session


(3/60 Minute Calls)

Mix and Match Your Sessions Package

Our special package offers you the flexibility to customize your journey with three 60-minute video calls. You can choose from a variety of sessions to suit your needs and dig deeper into your personal and professional growth. Here's what you can select from:

Quantum Human Design™ Reading: Dive into your unique energetic blueprint to understand your core strengths, challenges, and life mission. This session provides a detailed analysis of your Quantum Human Design™ chart, helping you align with your true self.

QAS™ EFT Tapping Session: Experience the power of the Quantum Alignment System™ through EFT tapping. This session focuses on releasing limiting beliefs and past hurts, enabling you to move forward with clarity and confidence. Many clients choose this package to include more EFT tapping sessions when they realize the need to heal deep-seated triggers and traumas. Tapping is especially beneficial for wounds that have had time to settle, rather than fresh, bleeding wounds.

Life Purpose Call: Uncover your divine purpose and gain clarity on your life path. This session helps you understand your true calling, align your daily actions with your purpose, and cultivate self-awareness and self-compassion.

By choosing this package, you have the freedom to mix and match these sessions according to your needs, allowing for a personalized and comprehensive approach to your growth. Plus, you'll save money compared to booking individual sessions separately. Take advantage of this offer to explore your potential, heal deeply, and align with your true purpose.

  • Mother

  • Father 

  • Sibling 

  • Ancestral 

  • Financial 

  • Food cravings 

  • Pleasure


(60 Minutes)

  • Goals & Dreams Business

  • Blocks 

  • Self-Love Authenticity

  • Consistency 

  • Confidence 

  • Knowledge

  • Everything else


(60 Minutes)

  • PCOS

  • Fertility 

  • Fibroids 

  • Releasing your childbirth story 

  • Rewriting your childbirth story  

  • Healing from parenting 


(60 Minutes)